+30 pigs per sow per year are standard in most Danish farms.
Danish Farm Concept
as a Partner
Developing a pig project takes a long time from site selection to operation of the farm. A solid and strong collaboration between investor and supplier is essential for a successful outcome.
Danish Farm Concept offers a solid and robust partnership with our clients providing our know-how and support from the start of the project until it is safely put into operation by following international standards for project development.
Any project whether it is developing a factory, or a pig farm undergoes a series of logical steps from an initial idea and business plan to a real farm that is producing pigs. At each stage the project becomes more and more detailed and tangible. Following a planned process reduces the risk of failure and secures that the project meets the targets of the business plan. We support our clients throughout the project development.
Project development
Timeline (estimatet months)
Generally, it takes 15-18 months from the design stage until the farm buildings are ready.
Another 12 months are normally required from the arrival time of the genetics until the first animals are ready for slaughter. During this period finance is required for operation of the farm, i.e., payment of feed, energy and management of the farm.
Investment in a pig project includes land, design, infrastructure, buildings, technology and animals.
In addition, finance is required for operating the farm until the first pig is sold. During the initial stages of project development, it is also necessary to get environmental permit for production.
The investment cost of a project depends on the geographical location. Cold areas require heavily insulated buildings and heating while cooling is needed in hot areas in order to meet the pigs’ environmental requirements. Thus, the investment cost for a full line project might vary from 5,000 – 8,000 USD per sow depending on the location. In addition, cost of genetics should be added.
Investment Cost Per Sow
“Danish Farm Concept delivers very unique farm design concepts, that have never been seen before in China. They provide everything from design, construction, genetics, management and feed solutions.”
Chairman Zhou, CP Group

Business and Masterplan
Planning is ”everything” and a business plan is a good and necessary tool for estimating the cost/benefit and return of investment (ROI) of the investment, while a masterplan and design of the facilities provide a visual and detailed overview of the project. Biosecurity is essential for protection of the farm against diseases and must be part of the masterplan.
Profitability in pig production is determined by the difference between the market price of pigs and the cost of production.
Pig producers are “price-takers” that must accept prevailing prices on pigs in the market where they operate. Cost of production is therefore the most important KPI and the only one that might be controlled by the producer. Therefore, it is essential that the cost of production is as low as possible without compromising production.
Cost of production
Cost of Production
Cost of production includes cost of feed, energy, medicine, management, administration, etc. with feed as the greatest component usually accounting for 70% of the total costs.
The choice of housing, biosecurity, genetics, nutrition and management has tremendous impact on the operation cost. Initial savings on investment in housing and technology are easily offset by higher feed and heating cost.
Poor biosecurity leads to disease and lower productivity which increases production costs. Similarly, genetics deliver a high output of pigs only if good management, appropriate housing and adequate nutrition is applied.
Therefore, Danish Farm Concept offers both a safe pig housing concept and professional management support by highly skilled pig farm managers as well as back office support from veterinarians and nutritionists while assuring low cost of production.
Investment and Payback
Our Attributes
Complete pig farm concept based on the latest Danish know-how
- Farm design with high bio security
- Technology designed and tested in Danish pig farms
- Genetics of Danish origin
- Environmentally friendly design
- Diets optimized to animals’ needs
- Education, training and management of staff

- Low medicine consumption
- Top quality technology
- High output of pigs
- Efficient and sustainable production
Your benefit
- High profit
- Short pay-back time
- State of the art pig production
Finishers Per Sow Per Year
Annual Profit Per Sow
Your Key to Success
Danish Farm Concept provides a comprehensive and safe business model which secures a high return of investment. Risk factors are mitigated throughout the project development by close collaboration with our clients in each stage of the project. Therefore, we are also prepared to provide a production guarantee for clients following our recommendations.