Danish Farm Concept is providing the complete Danish pig farm model for pig producers.
About DFC
Danish Farm Concept is a brand name representing the entire Danish model for pig production including:
- Modern pig farm design
- Efficient pig farm technology
- High-end genetics
- Nutrition program
- Sustainable solution
- Education, training and management
The Danish Farm Concept is marketed throughout the world as a wholesale solution for the pig industry.
Our vision is to be among the leading suppliers of turnkey solutions for pig production and our mission is to deliver projects for our customers that lead to highly profitable businesses with a low and competitive break-even.

The Companies behind DFC
The companies behind Danish Farm Concept comprise: Danish Farm Design, Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business, Danbred, Vilomix, Vissing Agro and Skov – a unique group of globally oriented Danish companies all rooted in the highly productive Danish pig industry.

Danish Farm Design provides robust and efficient pig farm designs with a focus on high biosecurity. Training of local staff in pig farm management is another area of expertise.

Vissing Agro specialises in durable, low-waste feeding systems and pig housing technology optimised to Danish genetics.

Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business offers international education programmes for agricultural students, from short courses to master degree level.

DanBred International is a licensed supplier of DanAvl genetics developed through the Danish breeding programme.

SKOV develops and supplies ventilation, heating and cooling systems for optimised health and daily weight gain in the pig barn.

Vilomix is an expert in nutritionally optimised feed formulations.
Key factors for success in pig production
Farm Design
The Danish model for efficient production
The pig farms are designed to fit the requirements and productivity of Danbred genetics:
- High biosecurity
- Environmental protection
Designed for:
- Local climate
- Efficient work flow
- Modern technology
- Automated feeding
- Modern management
- High efficiency
Protecting the herd against infections
External protection
The location and design of the pig unit must ensure that risk of infection transferred from outside is reduced to a minimum:
- Long distance to other pig farms
- Cleaning facilities for vehicles
- Fenced and guarded pig unit
- One access point only for staff and visitors
- No movement of pigs outside
- Controlled and safe delivery of live and dead pigs
Internal protection
The interior part of the pig unit is designed for limiting transfer of pathogens between pigs within the herd:
- All in all out sections for all growing animals
- Washing facilities for cleaning of sows
- Pressure washing and disinfection of each compartment
Waste Handling
Safe handling and recycling of animal waste
Indoor handling
- Concrete slatted flooring of high quality
- Waste handled via closed pull plug system installed in floor below pens
Outdoor handling
- Collector tank
- Separation unit for dry fraction
- Slurry lagoons for storage of liquid fraction
Penning Optimized for Danish genetics
Denmark is recognized for intensive testing of pig housing technology, which is optimized to accommodate Danish genetics.
DFC penning is designed in Denmark and tested by Danish pig producers:
- Hot-dip galvanized crates and stalls
- Stainless steel fixtures
- Design accommodates management
- Hygienic plastic pen walls
- Cast iron slats with smooth surface
- Durable and high quality materials
Feeding Systems
High durability and low feed waste
- Unique system
- Feeding system with a simple and user friendly design
- Silos with 60 degree cone shaped outlet
- Galvanized loading hopper
- Galvanized loading hopper
- Strong conveyer chain with high capacity
- Feed dispensers easy to adjust and clean
- Computer control easy to manage
Climate Control
Climate control for high health level and daily gain
Ventilation, heating and cooling
DFC climate control includes ventilation, heating and cooling systems adapted to the local environmental conditions.
Temperate climate:
Fresh air via automatically controlled wall inlets and outlet air exhausted through wall and ceiling fans
Hot humid climate:
Tunnel ventilation with fresh air through cooling pads and outlet air exhausted through large gable fans
Your Business. Our DNA. For high performance
DanAvl is responsible for the Danish breeding program. Documented knowledge and experience contribute to the creation of the best genetic solution for high productivity and top-quality breeding animals.
Danbred is ahead in genetics development
Using genomic information (DNA) to select the best parents provides 20% genetic progress.
The DanAvl breeding system open and transparent, which naturally also applies to all the breeding data for the individual pigs, which is available to anyone.
DFC provides genetics of danish quality through DanBred, licensed DanAvl supplier.
Diets that meet the pigs’ requirement
Diets must meet the pigs’ nutritional requirements in all production stages to ensure a high productivity.
DFC offers a nutritional program prepared for Danish genetics with the following features and benefits:
- Specific diets for each category of animals
- High feed intake
- High digestibility
- High feed conversion ratio
- Good nutritional balance in the gut
- Strong, uniform growth
DFC´s recipes are prepared by Vilomix’s nutritionists who also specialize in premixes and optimal diets for pigs.
Education programs for pig production
DFC provides education programs for agricultural students at Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business (DAAB), which is a modern business college, providing the full range agricultural education programs from basic to skilled farmer.
International educational programs include:
- Tailor-made short term introduction programs of 4-12 weeks duration
- Management programs, general and specific
- 8-10 months livestock/crop programs and education modules on top of that
- Diploma programs with international transferrable credit (ECTS)
- MBA program, in cooperation with UK University, from 2015
All education programs are provided with full board and lodging.
Agricultural education in Denmark
Theoretical and practical education of farmers started more than 125 years in Denmark. A strong tradition for education and use of the latest know-how have brought Danish farmers in a position as world leaders in pig production.
Training of local staff in modern pig farm management
DFC includes support from highly skilled management experts who assist in starting up production – making sure that the production is on right track from the beginning.
Training and education
DFC comprises training programs and course materials used for training local staff in modern pig farm management on location.
The training program will be tailored according to the need of the project and might include an intensive course at Dalum Agricultural College in Denmark and practical training in a Danish farm with top performance.
When the production is at full operation and local staff has been trained DFC offers continued support visits from our internationally experienced key account managers.
Our support program includes posted managers, feed analysis by highly skilled nutritionists and visits from internationally experienced vets.
For more information please contact us
Bjarne Kornbek Pedersen
General manager, Danish Farm Design
and initiator behind Danish Farm Concept.
Email: bkp@danishfarmdesign.dk
Tel. +45 24409763